× Bloggers About Us EL Manifesto Accreditation System Terms and conditions Privacy Policy

Iblog is a collective blog and the first inclusive platform in Tunisia.


Bloggers who meet the following requirements may apply for accreditation:

  • The blog has existed for at least one month
  • At least three publications shared on I Blog
  • Quality content
  • If the blog is a team work, a maximum of two people will be accredited and each team member must apply for accreditation individually.
  • All applications that do not meet the requirements will be rejected.
  • The accreditation expires after 6 months from the last publication on I Blog

Processing of this application does not imply confirmation of automatic accreditation. Applications must be validated; if yours doesn’t meet the validation requirements you will be notified. The organisers reserve the right to revoke an application even if it has already been approved if the user publishes or shares any content the organisers deem to be offensive, abusive, inappropriate or offensive to any person, organisation or group. Likewise, the organisers reserve the right to revoke any request if the user shares or publishes illegal content or promotes a fraudulent use of leisure or cultural content. The organisers reserve the right to modify the conditions and requirements for accreditation applications.

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